In the zone

As adults we sometimes enthusiastically share our experiences of being “in the zone” or “in flow” – it’s a real blessing when we can say that those times are during our work time. We become unaware of time passing and the people around us, instead we feel really alive, loose ends seem to fall into place, and things are right in our world. When we come up for air, we feel we have achieved something really meaningful. When did you first feel this way – do you remember what you were doing?

I think one of the greatest learning opportunities for pre-schoolers happens when they are “in the zone”, so absorbed in playing that they become unaware of  their surroundings. As they become immersed in the activity in front of them, they inadvertently learn about size, colour, shapes, textures, differences & similarities, that objects fit into holes, what the world they inhabit feels like to their touch (and whether they like it or not), what effect they can have on their environment, how things fit together and don’t. On top of this, their brains have the opportunity to order their other daily experiences, and to assign some meaning to them.(Something we can all benefit from at this time!) Different kids have this experience with different activities. It can happen when children play with water, sand, mud, play dough, Lego, cars, dolls, building blocks, beads, crayons, books, paint, dress-up clothes, musical instruments, stones, kitchen utensils…It usually involves a child being drawn to a specific activity, and playing for some time on their own.

As parents we can feel pressurised to provide just the right kind of stimulation for our children to develop their perceptual skills, to read the right books to develop their language skills, to spend quality time with them to develop their emotional and relational skills…and all of these things are important. But sometimes our kids just need to be and not do something productive; to learn to entertain themselves, and not be entertained by us or a screen. How can we facilitate this?

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Roles and boundaries in the level 4 home environment…

On a group call this week, a fellow coach mentioned that before a specific conversation, she put her “coaching hat” on. Clearly, this was a metaphor, but it got me thinking.

As most of us continue to be limited to living our numerous roles within the same four walls, many people are struggling with the enmeshedness of it all. It feels like work has intruded and taken over our personal space. Work needs to be done, but so do household tasks, there are meals to prepare. There may be children running around in the background while I am on a zoom work call. My children may need to do schoolwork, and this involves me too for now. Is it possible to find some other way of re-instating the boundaries that have been blurred during the last five weeks?

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Responding, not reacting

On the subject of the Grantleigh artwork, let’s think a little about the storm of activity in response to the art exhibition; perhaps we can work out something useful about how to approach similar incidents in the future. We know there will be opportunities to apply our learning 🙂 I would like to suggest using the phrase “ThinkThruTalkThru” as a bit of a motto …

Let’s think: One of the things we should be asking ourselves is why exactly are we as Christians upset? Can we name the particular reason underneath our outrage, and underneath that, until we come to the core? Can we bring it before God honestly and ask – Is this an important truth or an idol we hold dear? Are we prepared for God to change us in this uncomfortable process? Are we taking a statement about society personally? Could we be taking something at face-value when it is meant as an abstract metaphor? Is there anything we can learn or apply from this trigger – what part of the message can we affirm? What part do we disagree with?

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Hillcrest Diversity Dialogue

St Wilfrid’s Anglican Church is hosting an NNI Dialogue with Diversity Dialogue. Join us for a face-to-face dialogue – an opportunity to connect, listen, speak and build community with a diverse group. No topic is out of bounds. Please arrive on time so that the process is not disrupted, and if you can, please bring a plate of eats to share. RSVP to or whatsapp 0738676864

Randburg Diversity Dialogue

Family Life Restoration Church is hosting an NNI Dialogue with Diversity Dialogue. Join us for a face-to-face dialogue – an opportunity to connect, listen, speak and build community with a diverse group. No topic is out of bounds. Please arrive on time so that the process is not disrupted, and if you can, please bring a plate of eats to share. RSVP to Nhlanhla Zwane at 0789901031

Diversity Dialogue

The second Diversity Dialogue of the year, on 16 February, will be at a private house in President Park from 13.00 to 17.00. We will open with Blaque Nubon speaking on “The Gospel and Blackness”. Be sure to arrive on time so you do not miss this! After the talk, stay for an opportunity to connect, listen, speak and build community with a diverse group as we dialogue together. The exact topic of the dialogue will be decided by the people in the room on the day. Please bring a plate of eats to share. Hope to see you there! RSVP to Vera at to get the exact address.

Diversity Dialogue

The first Diversity Dialogue of the year, on 26 January in the Teacher’s Staffroom at CCM from 12.30 to 17.00, will open with Roydon Frost speaking on “The Gospel and Whiteness”. Be sure to arrive on time so you do not miss this! After the talk, stay for an opportunity to connect, listen, speak and build community with a diverse group as we dialogue together. The exact topic of the dialogue will be decided by the people in the room on the day. Please bring a plate of eats to share. Hope to see you there! RSVP to Vera at

Colour-coded superiority and inferiority

On 3 November 2018 at Nokhupila, the topic chosen as a door-way to the conversation was “Colour-coded superiority and inferiority”. Significant voices in the dialogue included Fear, Anger, Pride and Denial.


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Private Dialogue inspired by Poetry

Life in South Africa confronts us with issues that are not always easy to process. They make us uncomfortable and challenge us. However, is it exactly in these places of dissonance that growth and healing can happen.

Vera Marbach will facilitate a “dialogue inspired by poetry” through a process of reflection and sense-making as we connect with each other across some of the issues that frequently divide us. She will present some poetry from her recently published “Dwelling in Dissonance” as an entry point to a heart-to-heart discussion.

Private Dialogue inspired by Poetry

Life in South Africa confronts us with issues that are not always easy to process. They make us uncomfortable and challenge us. However, is it exactly in these places of dissonance that growth and healing can happen.

Vera Marbach will facilitate a “dialogue inspired by poetry” through a process of reflection and sense-making as we connect with each other across some of the issues that frequently divide us. She will present some poetry from her recently published “Dwelling in Dissonance” as an entry point to a heart-to-heart discussion.
