Online Stress Management Course

When we experience stressful circumstances, we often struggle with strong emotions like anger, pain, anxiety and fear. It feels like they are taking over our lives, and  we try to avoid dealing with them for as long as possible. However, suppressing them often results in an uncontrolled pressure-cooker effect: the pot boils over or even explodes, often when it is most inconvenient.
There is an alternative. By integrating those strong emotions into our lives, learning what lessons we can from them, and harnessing the motivation and energy they give us, we can implement real change in our circumstances or grow in our ability to deal with them. This journey will feel uncomfortable at times, but the reward of reaching the destination – a more unified, integrated, cohesive personality and way of living – is well worth it.
Join this online stress management course for 4 weeks to explore your stressors, the effect they have on you, the thought processes that keep us from positive change, your emotions and their roots. Develop your problem-solving and coping skills as well as healthy habits for self-care of body, mind and soul. Time for practical implementation and growth inbetween sessions.
Covid special of R999,00 includes one individual coaching session.
Email to book your place. Numbers limited to 8.

Online Stress Management Course

When we experience stressful circumstances, we often struggle with strong emotions like anger, pain, anxiety and fear. It feels like they are taking over our lives, and  we try to avoid dealing with them for as long as possible. However, suppressing them often results in an uncontrolled pressure-cooker effect: the pot boils over or even explodes, often when it is most inconvenient.
There is an alternative. By integrating those strong emotions into our lives, learning what lessons we can from them, and harnessing the motivation and energy they give us, we can implement real change in our circumstances or grow in our ability to deal with them. This journey will feel uncomfortable at times, but the reward of reaching the destination – a more unified, integrated, cohesive personality and way of living – is well worth it.
Join this online stress management course for 4 weeks to explore your stressors, the effect they have on you, the thought processes that keep us from positive change, your emotions and their roots. Develop your problem-solving and coping skills as well as healthy habits for self-care of body, mind and soul. Time for practical implementation and growth inbetween sessions.
Covid special of R999,00 includes one individual coaching session.
Email to book your place. Numbers limited to 8.

Online Stress Management Course

When we experience stressful circumstances, we often struggle with strong emotions like anger, pain, anxiety and fear. It feels like they are taking over our lives, and  we try to avoid dealing with them for as long as possible. However, suppressing them often results in an uncontrolled pressure-cooker effect: the pot boils over or even explodes, often when it is most inconvenient.
There is an alternative. By integrating those strong emotions into our lives, learning what lessons we can from them, and harnessing the motivation and energy they give us, we can implement real change in our circumstances or grow in our ability to deal with them. This journey will feel uncomfortable at times, but the reward of reaching the destination – a more unified, integrated, cohesive personality and way of living – is well worth it.

Join this online stress management course for 4 weeks to explore your stressors, the effect they have on you, the thought processes that keep us from positive change, your emotions and their roots. Develop your problem-solving and coping skills as well as healthy habits for self-care of body, mind and soul. Discover how daily rhythms that include contemplation, silence, solitude, rest, restoration, renewing of your mind, journaling, contentment and simplicity can change you and help you cope in times of stress.

Time for practical implementation and growth inbetween sessions.

Covid special of R999,00 includes one individual coaching session.
Email to book your place. Numbers limited to 8.

Online Stress Management Course

When we experience stressful circumstances, we often struggle with strong emotions like anger, pain, anxiety and fear. It feels like they are taking over our lives, and  we try to avoid dealing with them for as long as possible. However, suppressing them often results in an uncontrolled pressure-cooker effect: the pot boils over or even explodes, often when it is most inconvenient.
There is an alternative. By integrating those strong emotions into our lives, learning what lessons we can from them, and harnessing the motivation and energy they give us, we can implement real change in our circumstances or grow in our ability to deal with them. This journey will feel uncomfortable at times, but the reward of reaching the destination – a more unified, integrated, cohesive personality and way of living – is well worth it.
Join this online stress management course for 4 weeks to explore your stressors, the effect they have on you, the thought processes that keep us from positive change, your emotions and their roots. Develop your problem-solving and coping skills as well as healthy habits for self-care of body, mind and soul.Discover how daily rhythms that include contemplation, silence, solitude, rest, restoration, renewing of your mind, journaling, contentment and simplicity can change you and help you cope in times of stress.

Time for practical implementation and growth inbetween sessions.

Covid special of R999,00 includes one individual coaching session.
Email to book your place. Numbers limited to 8.

Online Stress Management Course

When we experience stressful circumstances, we often struggle with strong emotions like anger, pain, anxiety and fear. It feels like they are taking over our lives, and  we try to avoid dealing with them for as long as possible. However, suppressing them often results in an uncontrolled pressure-cooker effect: the pot boils over or even explodes, often when it is most inconvenient.
There is an alternative. By integrating those strong emotions into our lives, learning what lessons we can from them, and harnessing the motivation and energy they give us, we can implement real change in our circumstances or grow in our ability to deal with them. This journey will feel uncomfortable at times, but the reward of reaching the destination – a more unified, integrated, cohesive personality and way of living – is well worth it.
Join this online stress management course for 4 weeks to explore your stressors, the effect they have on you, the thought processes that keep us from positive change, your emotions and their roots. Develop your problem-solving and coping skills as well as healthy habits for self-care of body, mind and soul. Time for practical implementation and growth inbetween sessions.
Covid special of R999,00 includes one individual coaching session.
Email to book your place. Numbers limited to 8.

Think Tank – Unconscious Bias

Unconscious biases are the underlying attitudes and stereotypes that people assign to another person or group without being aware of it. These biases affect how people interact with each other.

Do you feel you have been exposed to unconscious bias? At what cost? Are you aware of your own unconscious bias? During this Think Tank we will explore what we can constructively do when we are faced with unconscious bias directed at us, but also have an honest look at our own.

Join Khanyi Mthimunye & Vera Marbach on a group coaching whatsapp call to explore unconscious bias together.

Send a private message or email to to book your place and get details for payment. Suggested donation: R50.

If you cannot make this time on Saturday, could you make the earlier one at 11.30?

Think Tank – Unconscious Bias

Unconscious biases are the underlying attitudes and stereotypes that people assign to another person or group without being aware of it. These biases affect how people interact with each other.

Do you feel you have been exposed to unconscious bias? At what cost? Are you aware of your own unconscious bias? During this Think Tank we will explore what we can constructively do when we are faced with unconscious bias directed at us, but also have an honest look at our own.

Join Khanyi Mthimunye & Vera Marbach on a group coaching whatsapp call to explore unconscious bias together.

Send a private message or email to to book your place and get details for payment. Suggested donation: R50.

If you cannot make this time on Saturday, could you make the later one at 14.00?

Releasing Tension

Tension sits in our bodies.

As we are exposed to a stressful situation, our brains automatically start off their fight- flight-freeze responses. Our hearts start pumping faster, our muscles tense up for action. Often, in today’s society we do not react with physical movement to the stress, but with a mental and emotional response from a seated position. A physical action would dissipate the built-up tension in our muscles, and change the balance of hormones and neurotransmitters. We would be able to relax. Mental reactions just don’t have the same effect on our bodies. So we regularly sit with the physical feeling of tension long after the cause has passed. Often, when we are exposed to a similar situation, our bodies react in the same way they did before. It’s almost like a muscle memory that is recalled and with it come the associated emotions. We can get stuck in a spiral with ever-increasing tightness. So the tension in our bodies builds up, stressful experience stacked upon stressful experience – a complex interaction between an anxiety-producing incident, our impression of its meaning, our emotions and our embodied experience that keeps us trapped in the hold of anxiety.

There is hope – because of this complex matrix it is also possible to break the connection from different angles. In my last blog I explored our attitudes to times of tension as the foundation for working with our anxieties, as well as what we can learn from our emotions.  This time, I would like to explore some physical approaches to reducing embodied tension as part of the process of releasing the hold of the tension cycle:

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Integrating all aspects of YOU

While I was doing my coaching course, we were advised to focus on finding and developing our own niche as coaches. My thought process kept bringing me back to the term “integration” – a concept that has often featured in my life, in a number of ways.

I was first introduced to “integration” when, as an Occupational Therapy student in the nineties, we learnt about how better results are achieved when the two sides of our bodies and brains work together. Much more so, than when we rely on only one side. Integration can be defined as the process of combining two or more things in an effective way so that they form a unified whole that is more than merely the sum of its parts. Disintegration then is the loss of effectiveness, cohesion, strength – a process of fragmenting or falling apart. We experience disintegration when we feel overwhelmed by external and internal stressors and challenges, when our parts are not working together smoothly.

When we experience stressful circumstances, we often struggle with strong emotions like anger, pain, anxiety and fear. It feels like they are taking over our lives, and often we try to avoid dealing with them for as long as possible. However, suppressing them often results in an uncontrolled pressure-cooker effect: the pot boils over or even explodes, often when it is most inconvenient.

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