Join the troops for Cover Wars!

Annarie Paterson designed a stunning cover for my poetry book Dwelling in Dissonance. (The poems in this book are largely based on dialogues.) This cover is in the authorshout Cover Wars competition this week. I would really like to win this, but I need a large supportive community to help!

The book cover with the most votes becomes the book of the week at and is promoted on their website, emails and shout outs. This is publicity I would really value.

I am beginning to understand why it is called cover wars! I am up against an American author who has written a few books already, so this is a bit of a David against Goliath battle.

Please join this community effort! Follow the link, check it out and if you agree that Dwelling in Dissonance is the best, scroll all the way down to the bottom to vote for it …  You can vote multiple times – once every 24 hours. The competition ends on Sunday at 2pm SA time. (8am EST) If you could share with friends too, that would be very much appreciated.



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